Is Porsche 911 Turbo a reliable spotrscar?

spurt 2022-02-15 22:58:48 +0100

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Who have the best model/engine for activ driving, and stil bee a daily driving car?

Regards Viggo

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7 answers

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besvart 2022-02-16 04:01:31 +0100

That's good! Porsche is a great product and the desire of many people cookie clicker 2 free

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besvart 2022-02-16 13:02:20 +0100

An "active driving" style and "reliability" are contradictionary terms, and will always be. As a matter of fact, "active drving" is a perfedt way of destroying any car, regardless of quality, regardless of which car you choose. Yes, Porche is a resonaly good car in any way, but as an other car, a careless driver can and will destroy the car in a split second of braindead driving. Another reason why you should forget all about "active driving" for your "daily driving car", is the simple fact that this kind of driving is a goddamn' sure way of gettin' rid of your drivers licence in ten seconds flat - give or take a few seconds. Yes, if you have a more "ordinary" car for your daily use and can afford to have the Porche for competion use or similar only, without plates you do nt need to pay import taxes and so on, then you might be able to play this game for a while, but be advised, this will be expensive "fun" anyway, no cars in the commercial marked is made for "active driving"!

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besvart 2022-08-22 07:51:58 +0100

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besvart 2023-10-02 09:39:59 +0100

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Spurt: 2022-02-15 22:58:48 +0100

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Sist oppdatert: Oct 02 '23

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